One of Josh's first memories is of playing Quake 2 on the family computer when he was much too young to be doing that, and he's been irreparably game-brained ever since. His writing has been featured in Vice, Fanbyte, and the Financial Times. He'll play pretty much anything, and has written far too much on everything from visual novels to Assassin's Creed. His most profound loves are for CRPGs, immersive sims, and any game whose ambition outstrips its budget. He thinks you're all far too mean ab
We've got stuff like new sub-missions in late-game areas, new creatures, and a new kind of special customer who will return to sell you goodies if you serve him delicious enough grub. Plus, Steam trading cards, which I will enjoy selling for a thruppence apiece on the Steam marketplace so that I might afford one-ten-thousandth of the questionableThe thing that leaps out at me, though, is the new Auto Farming feature.
Aside from that, well, Dave the Diver continues to be Dave the Diver, an excellent game that scored a splashy 91% in Chris' We’ve conducted an overall optimization of the game, resulting in shorter loading times and overall performance enhancements.Aggro range, speed, and damage of thresher sharks have been reduced.
Improved the issue where it was difficult to notice that a phone call had to be made after defeating the Addressed the issue where the chopping animation was a bit off during the VIP cooking battle.