Darrell Beveridge created what is arguably the country’s best-known food blog completely anonymously.
The innate beauty of Cook Suck was that Darrell punched up, not down. While other food critics made a living reviewing restaurants most Australians could never afford, Cook Suck punched straight back up at those institutions and the societal barriers that keep it inaccessible to the average person. Darrell had an incredible ability to pinpoint, within a simple photo of food, the inadequacies of societal norms keeping us from a fair and equitable world.
Darrell created what is arguably the country’s best-known food blog completely anonymously. He hated ego and pretension more than anything else: his favourite pubs were the oldest and emptiest, his favourite food places were mum-and-pop joints that most food critics would never deign to set foot in. His humility was his strength, and it allowed him to develop the largest and most varied food knowledge of anyone I have ever met. I could have listened to him wax lyrical about food forever.