Aaron Taylor-Johnson teases his physical transformation for KravenTheHunter and the stunt training he's undergoing for the film. 'I don’t know what it is, but I’m always drawn to the thing that might actually give me a f----ng stroke!'
Aaron Taylor-Johnson teases his Kraven the Hunter physical transformation and the stunt training he is undergoing for the superhero movie. Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Kraven made his comic book debut in 1964's The Amazing Spider-Man No. 15 as a villain to the Marvel webslinger and has since served as one of his rogues' gallery of antagonists, including being one of the founding members of the Sinister Six.
"I’m in England, I’m not in London but just outside, close to the production office [for Kraven the Hunter]. I’m staying here because I’ve got a bunch of stunt training to do for this movie, so the director and I are bunking up for the next couple of weeks. You do come at it from another angle, which is back-to-front for me. It’s like you’re coming at it from the physical aspect, because that’s what you can see from a comic book.
Since rising to stardom with his leading role in Kick-Ass, Taylor-Johnson has taken a number of roles requiring him to undergo various physical transformations, including briefly joining the MCU as Quicksilver for Avengers: Age of Ultron and losing a lot of weight for A Million Little Pieces.