Do you like scary movies? 😱 Here's an incomplete but completely terrifying list of local theaters' classic horror screenings:
The cleverest of this week’s double features at the Somerville pairs Francis Ford Coppola’s first proper release with what remains his last, two low-budget horror films of a peculiar and personal bent. 1962’s “Dementia 13” was the filmmaker’s graduation from the nudie flicks he’d been shooting, going semi-legit at Roger Corman’s exploitation factory.
Kilmer’s character is grieving the loss of a child in a boating accident while being forced to do work for hire that he hates, so it’s basically about Coppola’s life in the 1980s. Some scenes are silly, some are impossible to shake off, and I see the notorious tinkerer has now tried to retitle it, “B’Twixt Now & Sunrise.” Whatever he wants to call it, this is a film that deserved a better audience.