'As youth workers we want to see every young people excel and provide them with opportunities to develop'
A group of young people from a Belfast youth club have returned home after a two-week trip around America, looking at different social issues.
"This was fantastic learning for the group that they can take home to their own community. We then spent time in the Bronx and met with BRAG who are a project that has helped reduce the harm caused by gun violence and work in the local community to make it safer. Before jetting off, the young people engaged in a year-old programme, learning about homelessness, addiction and gang culture - which is also of big concern in their home city. They helped support local agencies dealing with these issues which helped them to prepare for their experience in America.
"They heard from those trying to reduce the harm through gun violence and drugs and want to bring this learning back with them. One of the visits was to a homeless shelter on how America is dealing with this issue, the lack of affordable homes, mental health and addiction support was making this issue a lot worse for those experiencing homelessness, they also recognised that this is a political issue and homelessness can be solved if the right focus and attention was provided.
They have made a lot of connections in America and hope to keep in contact when they're at home, to learn from each other on dealing with these issues.