At Vogue World, dozens of fashion's finest gleefully strutted down the runway.
Erykah Badu walks the runway at VOGUE WorldOnce the runway cleared, Vogue World shifted into phase two: street-fair mode. However, if the idea was to find oneself elbow to elbow with a celeb or two at Fendi’s baguette stand, you’d have been left in want. It turned out, though, that there were very few dopamine withdrawals that Michael Kors x Katz’s pastrami sandwiches, Magnolia Bakery pudding from the Banana Republic stand, or a tin of Gucci Osteria cookies couldn’t lift.
I personally appreciated the commitment to the street-fair bit, to the extent that a set of smoke machines and artfully arranged wooden crates had been employed to create a kind of edgy night-market vibe—if said night market happened to have a Burberry tea cart and left you with a seriously crazed case of the shoppies after staring full bore into the white-hot sun of sartorial fluorescence for a couple of hours. What can I say?Jeremy O. Harris attends VOGUE WorldBy JP Yim/Vogue/Getty Images.