Toto, the newest prime ministerial pet, has just got her own dedicated Twitter account. via TheFeedSBS. Read more about the 'Minister for Good Boys' here: TotoAlbanese auspol dogsoftwitter
An account for Toto, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's dog, has popped up on Twitter, garnering thousands of followers in a matter of hours.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a campaign trail features no shortage of candidates greeting a furry friend, baby or a small child.
“Hello Australia! Dad thought it’d be a furry good idea to get me a Twitter account so here I am! Woof!” the account's opening tweet read.The admin who runs the account landed somewhere between a human voice and a dog voice, but Twitter didn’t seem to mind, with the account racking up four thousand followers in a matter of hours.
Dylan, a 20-year-old law student from Brisbane is behind the account, creating the page because: "I just like the dog"."Toto Albanese: Minister for Good Boys," read one retweet, which featured a picture of Toto sporting his signature campaign look of a red 'Albo 2022' neck scarf.Twitter/@AlboMP