plus: how to get rid of BV in one day.
When I got back to the city, I visited a doctor and told her about my nightmarish weekend. She reported that most of her patients have similar stories about— and erroneously using Monistat. This is why it's so important to see a doctor at the first sign of trouble down there. It turned out that Monistat only worsened the problem, and I would have been on the road to recovery sooner had I seen a doctor right away.
My doctor put me on antibiotics, and after two days, both the smell and itch faded. After four days, most of the symptoms were gone. My vagina was healthy and happy again! But ... not for long. Before I knew it, my BV was back with a vengeance. In fact, after the initial incident, I got BV after my period every single month for 19 months.when someone gets it four times in one year.
After taking antibiotics every month for almost a year, I tried changing my birth control to see if hormones were the cause. I still got BV. I tried abstaining from sexual intercourse, and I still got BV. A nurse told me I can try placing a raw garlic clove in my vagina, and that didn’t work either. I even tried douching with apple cider vinegar. It temporarily got rid of the smell and the discharge, but a week later, I got the worst case of BV ever. I tried tea tree oil baths.