‘Is guaranteeing healthcare to all people socialistic?’ senator asks rightwing colleague Lindsey Graham in stellar defense of political philosophy
“America deserves better than this. We can do better than this but the path charted by Senator Sanders is full-on socialism,” Graham said, after a conversation about gas prices and rising inflation.
“Do you think raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is socialistic? Do you think doing what every major country does – guaranteeing healthcare to all people – is socialistic? Do you think expanding Medicare to cover dental care is socialistic?” Sanders said. In the US, Lindsey, we spend twice as much per capita on healthcare compared to the people of any other countrythey had come to a tentative agreement over minor potential gun control measures.
The bill would not, however, ban assault-style weapons or even raise the age limit to buy them – something advocates for greater gun control insist is necessary.