Charlotte St. Martin speaks to The Hollywood Reporter about how Broadway is handling its recent closures amid the holiday season, reacting 'aggressively' to the new COVID-19 variant and preparing for the winter and spring seasons.
— Broadway had seemingly done the impossible through November by proving live entertainment could safely carry on.
On Friday, the League debuted BWAYTODAY.COM to help ticket buyers quickly locate the regular and special holiday performance schedule. How long has this been in the works? During last week’s string of shutdowns, shows took a range of approaches to canceling and rescheduling performances. Why might one show cancel through Christmas and another cancel right before showtime but return the next day?
The most significant update to the protocols has been the addition of a single-shot vaccine mandate for kids 5 to 11, with the removal of the PCR testing. How important is having vaccinated children for Broadway’s recovery going into the spring?