Operation comes as two men allegedly involved in December protest granted bail by ACT magistrate who suggests ‘get some good quality legal advice’
Police officers stand guard outside the fire-damaged entrance to Old Parliament House in Canberra on 30 December.Police officers stand guard outside the fire-damaged entrance to Old Parliament House in Canberra on 30 December.Police have begun an operation to clear a protest camp near Old Parliament House inas two so-called sovereign citizen activists allegedly involved in last month’s protest when a fire broke out were granted bail in a local court.
The separate Aboriginal Tent Embassy, established in 1972, has a permit from the NCA and will not be impacted. Dylan Wilson was charged with assaulting a frontline service provider and obstructing a public official after alleged actions at the same protest.But Shillingsworth was granted bail after agreeing not to enter the suburb of Parkes – where Old Parliament House is located – and check-in at Sydney’s Redfern police station three times a week. He’s also agreed to not contact the alleged arsonist.“Bail only works if someone gives their word and keeps their word.
Wilson was also granted bail after Campbell said police failed to produce relevant evidence relating to new charges.