Remember: the most important love is self-love, no matter what. On this Valentine's Day, local author Valencia Joy wants to remind singles to do things that lift their mood and elevate their energy.
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Local author Valencia Joy focused on female friendship in her book, “I Met a Guy… and Other Things You Can Only Discuss with your SisterGirlfriends,” honing in on advice and conversations she’s had with her own friends around pivotal life moments.
The book tackles everything from relationships to friend types, to heartbreak and children in its 62 pages. “My mind is like when you have 15 tabs open on your computer and you jump back and forth,” Joy said. “When I was choosing topics, they were topics near and dear to me, relatable to me, and things I’m always talking about or going through.”
“I gave her that manuscript,” Joy said. “She loved it, we tweaked and updated it, and next thing I know, I’m published. It was such a great experience, something I wasn’t looking for and didn’t know it could happen for me.”