Tribal council allowed to continue running wellness centre on First Avenue until June 15, with further extension to April 2023 likely to come.
“We’re human beings, people. We’re at the end of the line. We have nothing left,” Brazeau said, describing the “daunting” uncertainty faced by himself, and the other people who regularly use the 75 beds offered at what the tribal council prefers to call its wellness centre at 145 First Avenue North.. Tribal Council Chief Mark Arcand said they continue searching for a permanent location outside downtown.
“Where do you want the homeless to go, Delisle? Then someone in Delisle’s going to say: ‘not in my backyard.’” Brazeau added. They also heard from concerns about ongoing disruption to lives and livelihoods in the area surrounding the site. Council couldn’t hold a simple vote on whether to extend the tribal council’s lease due to procedural issues; the bylaw created for temporary shelters only allows them to run for six months, meaning a year-long extension, requires a bylaw change and accompanying public notice period.Fernet urged council to extend the STC’s lease to that date and no further.