Sunday Gold combines two classic genres into a new kind of swindle simulator.
Sunday Gold is set in a dystopian 2070s London where the styles of the late '60s and early '70s have come back in vogue and everyone is obsessed with zombie dog racing. The local megacorp, Hogan Industries, is a big name in reanimating pooches with cybernetics and sending them to the track, and our crew of career criminal Frank, animal rights activist Sally, and hackerman Gavin have come together to pull a heist on the operation.
Disco Elysium stripped the combat from Planescape: Torment's already adventure-heavy gameplay, leaving an investigative, cerebral experience where your character build impacts what tools you have to solve quests.
Each of the three characters has seven AP for both exploration and combat, with commands like searching an area or picking a lock requiring three or four points on average. When you deplete your crew's overall AP, you have to manually end a turn to refresh the pool, raising your enemies'"Alert Status" and triggering a chance of a random encounter.
In combat, characters take turns like in a classic JRPG, but your AP doesn't automatically refresh on each turn—you have to guard and refill the pool every three actions or so. Your AP at the end of combat persists into the next round of exploration, and the crew's HP is only fully restored at the end of a chapter. Healing with abilities or items between fights costs more of your dwindling AP pool.