BREAKING: Crown Resorts has received a provisional licence that clears the way for it to finally open its long-dormant Barangaroo casino.
has received a provisional licence that clears the way for it to finally open its long-dormant Barangaroo casino with regulator supervision, nearly 18 months after the building was finished.
The NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority chairman Phillip Crawford said Crown had “rebuilt its gaming model from the ground up” since it was found unfit for the licence after a review into its operations. “After more than one year’s work with Crown, the Authority is pleased to have reached a stage where Crown can open its casino operations on a conditional basis,” Mr Crawford said.
“Given the need to observe the changes in operation as well as ensure changes are embedded in the business, the Authority will consider approval of Crown’s suitability until the end of the conditional gaming period, which could run between 18 months and two years.”More to come