Do you like to know how much time a game will take to complete before playing it?
Not usually, unless it's a huge RPG and I'm looking for a ballpark figure of the kind of commitment I'm taking on. It's also encouraging to read a review for a more snacky game, like, and learn that it's only going to run to about eight hours before you see the credits. Makes me more inclined to pick it up.
And much like Tim, I do have a sharper eye nowadays for stuff that I can be done with after an evening or two. We all love the epics, but these days a four-hour game is just as attractive to me.I definitely like to know how much of a commitment I'm in for before I start a new game.
In 4x or party RPGs I don't usually check as its not really as relevant because there's more chance that it will be played more than once.Yeah, I'll check the time if I think it might be under 40 hours. If the game is going to cost more than $1/hr, it better be a really good!I don't check specific numbers of hours.
But there are also many variables involved depending upon the game. Open world games, such as the Elder Scrolls or Fallout games from Bethesda, have so much to do, so many places to explore, so many quests & factions, that those games can literally be never ending. Throw in a detailed crafting system, an expansive home or settlement building system and my hours can run into the hundreds.