Doctors told her to lose weight to ease symptoms. She had ovarian cancer
Before Catton moved to Australia from England she started experiencing frequent UTIs in 2019. Doctors often prescribed antibiotics, but they kept returning.
“Around March I went back still with all the above symptoms that I was associating with my period and this again told me I was stressed — and that my BMI is in the overweight range so I should keep a close eye on that and make sure I eat healthy,” Catton recalled. Still the pain increased and she finally saw a gynecologist who ordered an ultrasound, where they found what they thought was a 10-centimeter fibroid either on — or in — her uterus. She was placed on a waiting list for surgery to remove it. But in October 2021, her symptoms increased dramatically after a weekend of horseback riding.
She tried working out and again collapsed. Her boyfriend insisted on taking her to the emergency room.