Readers react to Albanese’s trade talks in China; the effects of interest rate increases; and the war between Israel and Hamas.
a new starting point, 7/11). It is a reset of the economic and diplomatic relationship that existed prior to China’s punitive sanctions and diplomatic freeze. Peter Hartcher’s as always insightful commentary reminds us how, historically, Australia has been adversely affected by over-reliance on international agreements . We must not be lulled into another false sense of security and once again become vulnerable to economic and geopolitical bullying.
Why are those who can least afford it doing all the heavy lifting, while those who have mortgage-free homes, or who are very wealthy, are still flying around the world on exotic holidays, buying expensive oversized cars, throwing lavish parties, or being photographed in the marquees at Flemington, completely unfazed by another interest rate rise?
Being pro-Palestinian is an expression of a fundamental belief that all lives matter inclusive of Palestinians; moreover, it is about retaining a glimmer of hope that humanity still exists. That is what we are asking our leaders to convey on our behalf by insisting on an immediate ceasefire.Claims have been made ad nauseam that Israel’s response to Hamas’ October 7 atrocities have been “disproportionate”.