DragonBallZ crosses over with Marvel's mighty mutants in new time bending art!
Throughout the entertainment medium, whether it be in anime stories or North American comic books, time travel is a subject that is routinely explored. Dragon Ball has, throughout its Shonen history, told stories revolving around alternate futures, giving us our first look at Vegeta and Bulma's son, Trunks following the Frieza Arc in Dragon Ball Z.
X-Men: Days of Future Past has become not just a major time travel story in the lore of Marvel's mutants, but a legendary Marvel comic book story. The storyline became so popular in fact that Fox had created a feature-length film adaptation that took place in both the future and the past to explore the mutants' fight against the Sentinels, though the movie did make more than a few changes from the source material.
Twitter Artist Viva Er Manga took the opportunity to imagine a fresh take on the Future Trunks Arc of Dragon Ball Z, seeing Gohan attempting to protect Trunks from the Androids that were responsible for the deaths of a good deal of Z-Fighters in this alternate timeline:Me encanta 😍#DragonBall #Gohan #Trunks pic.twitter.com/J2nKP7zWey
— Viva Er Manga September 12, 2022 Dragon Ball has never had a proper crossover with the world of Marvel in the past, though a major X-Men character did recently meet up with a major Shonen hero. Deadpool recently hit the medium of manga for the first time thanks to Deadpool: Samurai, in which the Merc With A Mouth teamed up with My Hero Academia's All-Might to take on the Mad Titan Thanos.
0commentsWhat do you think of this alternate future crossover between Dragon Ball and X-Men? Do you think Marvel will create a crossover with another anime franchise? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of crossovers.