Electric car drivers could soon have a lot more choice when charging at motorway service stations:
Opening up the UK’s A-road and motorway service stations to more competition from other charge point providers could lead to lower prices for drivers, as well as increased reliability.
In a recent survey of the UK’s main charging point providers, the Electric Highway came sixth out of 12 main charging providers. The majority of its charge points were rated as unreliable, with drivers also criticising the service for offering little value for money.Innovation Award at the most recent What Car? Awards. It impressed us with its ‘electric forecourt’ concept, which offers lots of charging points, and keeps costs low by using renewable energy sources. The firm plans to expand rapidly across the UK, opening more electric forecourts in busy locations.
The Department for Transport says it aims to have six 150-350kW charging points – among the fastest currently available – open at motorway and A-road service stations by 2023, growing to 2500 by 2030 and 6000 by 2035. The sale of new cars powered solely by petrol and diesel will be banned from 2030.