The survey’s questions canvassed everything from living arrangements and household structures to work, education, ancestry, health and more | ANALYSIS from our national data editor, CraigDButt
The 2021 census will be especially interesting because it is the COVID-19 census and was carried out when a large proportion of the country was in lockdown.
People line up at the vaccination hub in Homebush, Sydney, to receive their jabs in August last year.It will be interesting to see what the data shows when it comes to overseas migration to Australia, the impacts on the people’s income and employment status, whether people had moved away from cities to live in regional areas, or whether young adults had moved back into the family home.
We will be getting the results for that question on Tuesday, so we will be able to tally up how many people reported at least one such health concern. There has never been a survey of this size or scale into the health of all Australians. The purpose of the census is to provide a snapshot of the community, and one of the reasons it takes almost a year for the results to be released to the public is that the ABS has to make sure the data is de-identified to protect the privacy of everyone who filled it out.The census isn’t just useful for journalists and data aficionados.