Hospital trust says it's working hard to improve patient care
Some of you may be old enough to remember a groundbreaking BBC late night satirical sketch show that brightened up our black and white TV screens all too briefly back in 1962-63. It went under the title, ‘That Was The Week That Was’. It used to start with its signature song performed by Millicent Martin, and the second line of the song went “It’s over, let it go”. So, paying homage to 1960s satire, here are a few of my specially selected ‘highlights’ of this eventful year before we “let it go”.
I do hope that next year we stay vigilant and learn a few lessons. The more humankind infringes on what is left of the natural world, the more likely it is to see more potentially deadly viruses crossing the species barrier. Surely, there’s a lesson to be learned here.I reckon our climate is changing, as the floods, droughts and other catastrophes in this and recent years have shown.
However, I should never completely write off the Tories. I’ve seen how they operate in my own low key political career. They are an incredible winning machine, which knows how to exploit our ‘first past the post’ voting system. That’s why they have largely been able to dominate the parliamentary scene in particular, with a few notable exceptions, over the past one hundred years, without ever getting over 50% of the votes. It looks as if we shall be spared a General Election next year.