Osel Hita Torres joined a monastery after the Dalai Lama declared him a reincarnated spiritual leader, but at 18 he broke free and moved to Ibiza. A new TV series tells his story
as the reincarnation of a revered Tibetan lama. But by the age of 18, he had turned his back on monastic life, leaving in his wake a string of headlines as he partied in Ibiza and bemoaned a childhood bereft of television, football and girls.
The toddler was taken to India and asked by a religious leader to pick out the lama’s former possessions. The trip also saw the “Sitting on the throne was very uncomfortable for me,” he said. “I had to put my hands on heads as a blessing, and it was like, who am I to put my hand on your head to bless you, purify you? I prefer a hug, in any case.”
Word eventually reached Hita Torres that Lucas Figueroa, an Argentinian film director and producer, was envisioning a film or series based on his life. “I have a five-year-old son, and I would never have been capable of handing him over. But I’m very grateful that my parents believed in that opportunity, that possibility, because otherwise I would have missed out on many good things,” he added, citing his various interactions with the Dalai Lama as an example.He describes himself as a disciple of the Dalai Lama, highlighting his continuing relationship with members of the Buddhist community. “I have a very good connection.