A new social enterprise hopes to repurpose some of the estimated 500,000 bikes which end up in landfill each year while giving young adults with disabilities a taste of working life | ViscountBrooky
Brainwave Bikes, which opened on Saturday in a 700-square-feet superstore in the south-eastern suburb of Dingley with 600 reconditioned second-hand bikes, claims to be an Australian first: an initiative to reduce landfill, generate income for Brainwave Australia , and provide work experience for those young people through the WISE job placement program.
Shop trainee Daniel Coats, 24, who is a client of Brainwave, is excited about his job. His duties will include interacting with customers and mechanics and organising his own transport and lunch.Simon SchluterHis mother, Vicky, added that this is the first time in his life that Daniel had been given a chance and been accepted as himself.