One round of scans showed nothing - the second set presented Joel with a devastating diagnosis
Joel Rush was healthy father-of-two, enjoying keeping fit by mountain biking in his spare time. But after one bike ride in August of last year, everything changed and what doctors discovered would alter his life beyond measure - the same illness that killed The Wanted singer Tom Parker at just 33.
Even with this intensive treatment, less than 10 per cent of people live for five years or more. Glioblastoma is one of the most difficult types of cancer to treat, the fastest growing and the one giving patients the poorest prognosis - patients with glioblastoma typically survive for under six months if left untreated.
By giving highly targeted radiotherapy before surgery, the aim is to try to stop the tumour from growing back so quickly to improve outcomes and extend lives. Dr Gerben Borst, radiation oncologist at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust and senior lecturer at The University of Manchester, who is leading the study, said: “It’s essential patients with brain tumours have surgery. However, surgery cannot remove the whole tumour, and the procedure can aggravate the remains.