Known for being ahead of the curve, this year's CMC Rocks festival welcomes Blanco Brown and his exciting hybrid of country and hip hop. might even be one of the 22,000 people a day heading to Willowbank, Ipswich for CMC Rocks QLD this weekend, with some acts performing from today and the official start of the festival kicking off on Friday.
She attended in 2009, which was year number two of the annual event. It's back this year after a two-year hiatus brought on by the pandemic.They say when America sneezes, Australia catches a cold. And right now in the United States, it seems the sound of country music is evolving."I'm so excited about CMC Rocks," Blanco Brown said.
Brown is one of a number of artists who've popularised the unique sound, with Lil Nas X also known for a hybrid country and hip-hop sound."Nobody has done what he's done in the amount of time he's done it. Nobody."He's straight from the same hood I'm from Bankhead Courts, westside of Atlanta, Georgia."Lil Nas X [is] obviously another generation younger than me. But we grew up under the same circumstances. His parents and my parents are friends.
"I signed my deal in 2018, but kept it quiet. It was such a secret that the label didn't even want to let the world know. He's worked with CMC Rocks headliner Kane Brown, including on his first album and is supporting some of his shows, performing in Sydney last night.