Opinion: At the age of 63, my biggest regrets by far are not the things I’ve done, but the things I haven’t done | KathyLette
Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be. Looking back over the decades, I can’t help but wonder …That purple poncho I wore on a first date. That perm which looked as though I’d sutured my pubic hair to my cranium. That clingy leopard-print dress I bought at vast expense which made me look more shabby tabby than cool cat.
After moving to London in my 30s, my many gaffes meant I could have fried an egg on my face on a daily basis. But looking back now, all I can think is, why was I bothered? Misunderstandings that left me red-faced with humiliation I would now greet with an insouciant shrug. In the late ’80s, I was working on a hit sitcom in Hollywood. We cast this then-unknown actor as a love interest. He invited me for coffee – and I declined. I can still remember the exact words I uttered. “I’m a writer,” I replied, haughtily, “I don’t go out with actors. You put other people’s words in your mouth when you never know where they’ve been!”