At least two Iranians belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ covert-action Quds Force have been plotting to assassinate former national security adviser John Bolton, according to a Justice Department official. RestoringAmerica
in December 2020, Congress quietly extended Pompeo's Diplomatic Security Service protective detail beyond his government tenure in response to these Iranian threats. That protective detail continues and has a high level of enhanced capability.on Jan. 28, the deployment of a Secret Service presence in Bolton's D.C. suburban neighborhood sparked attention from his neighbors. Bolton still has a Secret Service detail.
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards particularly despise Bolton and Pompeo, who they see as leading President Donald Trump's"maximum pressure" sanctions strategy against Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's regime. But the primary motive for the plots against them is believed to be rooted in Iran's desire to avenge the January 2020 U.S. drone assassination of Quds Force's commander, Qassem Soleimani.
A restored agreement involving Iran, the U.S., and the five other original JCPOA parties is expected imminently. Numerous media reports suggest that Iranian negotiators have pushed hard for the Biden administration to remove the Trump administration's sanctions designation of the Revolutionary Guards and associated parties as terrorist entities. That designation has complicated the guard’s ability to attract foreign investment for its extensive domestic economic interests.