Checks are uncovering identity fraud in which criminals illegally claimed the pandemic leave payment in the name of others by creating fake identities. By Anthony Galloway
with Services Australia continuing to keep on the lookout for fraudsters targeting the $750 payment which is given to casuals and others with no access to sick pay when they have to isolate.Services Australia’s fraud checks, which include automatic system checks and the work of staff, detect claims that have the potential to be fraudulent. They are then flagged for a staff member to review before the payment is made.
Shorten said the “first line of defence” not only saves the amount of the fraudulent claim, but also the time and resources it takes to recoup the money later on. “While Services Australia’s priority has been to process and pay disaster claims as quickly as possible, their enhanced fraud prevention capabilities have saved the taxpayer millions of dollars and uncovered criminal activity,” he said.
Minister for Emergency Services Murray Watt said it was an “extremely low act” to intentionally try to scam money out of people impacted by events such as the floods and the pandemic.“The government is committed to ensuring communities with a legitimate need are supported as quickly as possible, but the message is clear, if you attempt to claim money you aren’t entitled to, you should expect to be caught.
Services Australia has begun 793 investigations into alleged fraudulent claims between February 28 and July 31 this year.