This does not bode well for the stability of the country
Save time by listening to our audio articles as you multitaskloyalists hold aloft an immense banner, 25 metres long, in the national colours of green, white and red. A disproportionate number of the men in the crowd—more than a quarter in a section counted by—are wearing black shirts, which Italians still associate with those worn by fascist militiamen.
That gets applause. The warmest response, though, is for her advocacy of a clampdown on illegal immigration, which she links to drug-peddling and prostitution. The Brothers’ leader has a knack for expressing radical views in a way that makes them sound judicious. It is among the reasons her party has surged in the polls—from 7% three years ago to almost 25% in the last soundings, before a polling blackout took effect on September 10th.