A rock-heavy week awaits local music fans — with options in a variety of subgenres. SanAntonio SATX SanAntonioTX SanAntonioMusic TexasMusic ThingsToDoInSanAntonio
San Antonio rock fans will be able to partake in their favorite genre this week — in multitude of its ever-expanding varieties.
For those keeping score at home, LA space-rockers Failure, local metalcore act Mourning Sun, punk-adjacent touring act Destroy Boys and Bay Area technical death-metal band Rings of Saturn all will kick out the jams at local venues. And all that's before we get to the hard-rock, stoner-rock, pop-rock and acoustic-rock options. Read on, rockers.is said to mark the end of its space-themed alt-rock sound. Formed in Los Angeles in the early '90s, the band rose to acclaim with the 1996 release.