Rudolph is extraordinary as a wronged tech wife in a perfectly pitched workplace comedy about a billionaire come good from the Parks and Rec team
f I were to choose a moment to release a television series that not only asks for, but requires, sympathy for a billionaire so obscenely rich that she is the third-wealthiest woman in America, I am not sure that I would launch it slap-bang in the middle of a rampant cost of living crisis. Still, Loot has an ace up its sleeve in the form of, who plays Molly Novak, soon to be Wells, also soon to be one of the most famous cheated-upon wives in the western world.
After the necessary but so-so scene-setting of the first episode, in which Molly and John’s lavish lifestyle is played for fairly hollow laughs – a megayacht with a full-time crepe chef! A spare swimming pool for dogs! The actual Seal! – it starts to settle into a much better and far warmer show than it first appears to be.