He aims to look at hotspots across the area
The new boss of Mansfield District Council has explained plans to tackle high crime rates in the area. According to police data published in April, Mansfield was named the second most dangerous town in Nottinghamshire.
It's the 64th most dangerous town in the UK, and residents previously described the rates as "disgusting". New council chief executive Adam Hill says hopes of bringing more business and infrastructure into the area will help, and that finding out where these incidents are happening and what's causing them will crack down on cases.
Mr Hill said: "Part of that is upskilling people and making sure people have enough money to cope. When we're talking about the bigger issues, that's where we need to play our part, in not only blue light services, but with voluntary partners as an example to join up all the dots. "It's about understanding from the community which of it is a perception, and which is a reality. We used to have things like lots of CCTV cameras, and at one time it was going on every street corner, but all that did was move the problem around."