To help their children through the difficult final years of high school, a number of parents - mainly mothers - are scaling back their work and making themselves more available at home.
Mary White is well beyond the hands-on years of early motherhood and is fully engaged in helping run her family’s two city cafes. Yet, she feels it is time to scale back on work once again.
Year 12s are the new year 9s ... All the social stuff they usually have to deal with [on the way to year 12], the class of 2022 hasn’t had.Andrew Fuller, clinical psychologist and author of, said parents adjusting their work schedule to support kids in senior school should not feel they are hovering, as the pandemic had denied young people of many rites of passage to maturity.
Angelina Eynon, a women’s leadership development coach, moved her family from Melbourne to her parents’ hometown of Canberra so daughter Imogen could also be supported by her family as she finishes school. Her research with 1000 students aged 16 to 18, year 12 teachers, and psychologists has shown that year 12 is tougher than it used to be.