It can support up to 10 adult men with mental health needs, with eight living in the accommodation at the time of the inspection
There are four self-contained apartments, a further six ensuite bedrooms and several large communal rooms.
The service has the benefit of a large enclosed garden area and is situated close to local amenities,The care home was praised by inspectors who found it to be clean and well maintained with knowledgeable staff.Inspectors said:"The service used the 'Recovery Star' to help people using the service set goals and measure their progress to recovery.
"The Recovery Star is designed for adults managing their mental health and recovering from mental illness.were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice."
Staff had completed a range of training and all staff received regular supervision from the management team, inspectors said."A new manager had recently joined the service and they were being supported by the Assistant Director and Quality Assurance Manager. "We saw evidence that the management team had made changes in a number of areas and staff spoke positively about these improvements.The care home was first registered with the CQC on October 19, 2020One resident told inspectors"Staff speak to me well, they don't raise their voice.""Mindfulness and relaxation sessions were regularly held to help people find ways of coping with their anxieties and stress.The centre has been contacted for comment.