‘Small work plan’ is another signal of intensifying security interests in the region, in the wake of Beijing’s security deal with Honiara
’s foreign policy remained essentially unchanged despite the “more assertive agenda from [China] towards the Pacific,” she said. New Zealand, she said, does “not need to be reactive to any other agenda from any other country”.
New Zealand already has longstanding agreements in the Pacific, including the Biketawa declaration, which coordinates regional responses to security crises and natural disasters. Henare, who was attending the Shangri-La Dialogue – an Asia security summit – also spoke to the Chinese defence minister, Wei Fenghe, who raised concerns about New Zealand being drawn closer to the stance of the United States and Australia, Newsroom reported.
Henare said: “I made it clear that the only way we could continue to have good discussions, meaningful discussions was if there was trust and transparency and openness. I said, ‘My door’s always open to talk’, because it’s important they hear our point of view and, where I can, convey some of the messages and feedback I get from our Pacific island family.”