Premier Dominic Perrottet believes the NSW Coalition’s climate and energy policies will help shield it from losing key Sydney seats to the teal independent movement that punished the former federal government | Rabe9
Premier Dominic Perrottet believes the NSW Coalition’s climate and energy policies will help shield it from losing key Sydney seats to the teal independent movement that punished the former federal government.
The premier said he didn’t believe the so-called teal independents would present as big of an issue for the NSW Liberals as they did at the federal election. He stressed that wasn’t because of the state’s optional preferential voting system, but rather his government’s“I’m less concerned, I mean, the reason we saw the rise of the teals in the federal election campaign wasn’t based on a preferential ticket situation, it was based on policy,” Perrottet said on Monday.
Perrottet said he wanted to see more women run in seats vacated by retiring Liberal men. Minister for Women’s Safety and Roads Natalie Ward on Monday confirmed she would seek Liberal preselection for the lower house seat of Davidson following Jonathan O’Dea’s resignation. “I am completely committed to the team, I think we’ve got a really good team, but over time I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being ambitious.”
Deputy NSW Labor leader Prue Car said while the state government had spoken at length about climate and women’s policies, it was yet to result in anything tangible.