Over $718 million has been stolen from DeFi protocols across eleven different hacks this month so far, per research firm Chainalysis. By shauryamalwa
October has become the worst-ever month for crypto-related crimes with over $718 million in overall losses, and that’s with two more weeks to go before the month ends.
Data pointed out by Chainalysis on Thursday noted that the amount was stolen from several decentralized finance protocols across eleven different attacks. “2022 will likely surpass 2021 as the biggest year for hacking on record,” Chainalysis researchers wrote. “So far, hackers have grossed over $3 billion across 125 hacks.”
"Despite the current bear market, we’re seeing a lot of activity among hackers, who are targeting various protocols," said Jasper Lee, audit tech lead at crypto auditing firm"For those protocols or Dapps [decentralized apps] which have not been thoroughly audited, they make for easy and reliable short-term profit. Poorly protected protocols are low-hanging fruit for hackers, who make easy pickings of their too-easily accessed locked," Lee added.