Preparation work on the new Youth Zone building site in Preston city centre Pic: Blog Preston This year appears to be a foundational year for the city. T
Urgent rethink calls at Ingol roadworks amid reports of multiple crashes in daysThe regeneration of Preston and primarily the city centre has been a hot topic ever since we began Blog Preston in 2009.Changes to the city have mainly been happening on its edge since hundreds of millions of pounds were focused on thewhich spanned beyond just the city’s traditional borders in 2014.
But as many of those gathered heard it is small dice compared to the investment needed to super charge Preston to the next level, because fundamental problems remain.The transport system is a mess, there is limited city centre office working going on and a lack of more family-sized good quality homes on the edge of the city centre or within it. The currenthas become a transactional place, you get in – to do something – and get out.
and there’s lots finishing or work ongoing in 2025 that could see the city’s landscape and skyline change.may start to unlock the kind of funding settlements and regeneration projects which would be truly transformational for the city.