Devon Reid wants Evanstonians to stop thinking of a change in the public nudity law as a “topless beach” proposal because it’s about equity.
But the president of Evanston’s Parks and Recreation Board said the intent is not what will define how the proposed change in local law is remembered. He urged more public discussion before removing language that attaches gender to toplessness in the city’s nudity ordinance.Robert Bush, president of Evanston’s Parks and Recreation Department, speaks at the podium during the public comment portion. Images from the Human Services Committee on Sept. 6, 2022 in Evanston at the Lorraine H.
Reid, 8th Ward city council member and chair of Evanston’s Human Services Committee, previously proposed changing the language to make the public nudity law equitable and similar with ordinances in nearbyA city legal team was asked to study the ordinance and reports that they believe Evanston’s existing nudity law would hold up in court but that nothing is concrete.
But, “We are stuck in the past,” Reid said. “I’m not looking to be a champion for anybody. I’m just looking to make sure that our laws align with what I believe our values are, what our true values are.”Committee members unanimously sent the proposal to Evanston’s Equity and Empowerment Commission Tuesday for discussion and further review. Comments from the community will be taken and considered.
Reid asked Derke Price, special assistant to the city attorney and interim corporation counsel, how Evanston’s binary definition of a male or female breast applies to the transgender and nonbinary communities.