Having been consulted, AGL’s largest shareholder Mike Cannon-Brookes is reportedly unhappy with the choice.
’ Grok Ventures successfully derailed AGL’s demerger proposal in May causing half the board to commit long overdue seppuku, the market has been waiting for the company’s defeated rump to appoint someone – anyone! – to lead them.Dwyer’s record as a public company chairman is mixed. She ultimately achieved a strong outcome for Healthscope shareholders selling to Brookfield in 2019 but her era at Tabcorp was poor.
Just like OG Jesus fed the 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes, Double Bay Jesus thinks he can hand-pick the board of directors – including its chairman – at a company he owns 11.3 per cent of. The other nobodies who own 89 per cent of AGL’s outstanding shares should just be grateful they’re witnessing a modern miracle.his McHappy Meal setThe whole situation is approaching slapstick. Cannon-Brookes maniacally worked his Twitter DMs for weeks and came up with zero.
Even more importantly, there are the social costs of abruptly removing so many jobs from the Latrobe Valley. It’s an underprivileged region that would suffer extreme social dysfunction if AGL just turns the lights off and says, “see ya!” No government will countenance repeating the US rust belt experience.