Penny Buchan, from Sydney's south, loves living in a place that fronts onto bush, except for the 'scary days'.
Penny Buchan volunteers with the Rural Fire Service doing back-of-house towers from the bush just 5 kilometres from Penny Buchan's home at Engadine in Sydney's south.
Mr Langton was out with the brigade battling the fire, while Ms Buchan was nursing their eight-week-old baby. She grabbed their go-bag and headed for her brother's place away from bushland in Kareela.Crucial location for preparationnow have two kids, one three and the other five years old. With this and the home's closeness to the bush, the family needs to have a plan to evacuate.
"I would take the kids, grab our bags and go. There's a community safety spot just at the top of the hill. Just on the oval at the top."Their go-bags were organised before they moved in 11 years ago. Keeping debris and potential bushfire fuel off the property is part of daily life for Springwood resident Joan Purcell.