The closure is a result of the landlord doubling the rent, says the owner.
Luka's Taproom & Lounge, a pillar of Uptown Oakland's nightlife scene, is closing at the end of January, as first reported by"We're still down revenue-wise and we're still running losses," Mitchell told SFGATE."... It was very important to the landlord to get a certain minimum amount of rent out of this place right away."
"I just thought if I accepted his terms, which was my only option, I was pretty much living in indentured servitude," he said."I mean, it was more responsible to just close it down based on my other options." "There has been just a ton of new construction and new people moving into the neighborhood," he said."When we opened up, there was one bar, Peter Van Kleef's [Cafe Van Kleef], and one downscale restaurant and some lunch places. But it was a place people didn't go."