'Python for Beginners, Part 13: Append List-Method' by cleverqazi python pythonprogramming
0:04 because the last video got a little bit long,0:09 I want to even give you a better solution0:13 and then storing it as a product, price and condition.0:23 There's even an easier way to do it.0:28 and I can say condition, and check this magic out.0:40 So now product is the first element from that list, right?0:52 second element, third element.0:59 price ends up mapping itself to 150,1:07 as the concept of tuple unpacking.
4:26 then i is three, and we keep doing that, right?4:39 now I can explain to you guys a little more about loops,4:48 they hide it from you, and you'll learn why later,4:55 and range happens to just be a list,5:02 That you've been making all when you were creating5:08 The first time going through this list, right,5:15 When we're going through the loop, i is zero the first time.5:23 So i is zero the first time, and then we print zero.