'Remembering the time I met Shigeru Miyamoto on the Tube as a teenager' | AndyPlaytonic
owner who fancied their ability to print a business card and purchase an oversized shirt, it was definitely worth a punt trying to get in .
The experience profoundly affected my desire to pursue a journalism degree and cover games professionally. But little did I know, the journey home would be even more impactful. Luckily London Olympia operates on a sort of offshoot Tube line which requires a change of trains after just a few stops. After several minutes of gawping at Miyamoto-san, we were soon booted from the carriage and onto the platform where – incredibly – it was virtually only me and the Zelda designer left waiting for the next Underground service.
Noticing my attention , Mr Miyamoto asked if I’d been to the show. I don’t remember what I said, but I seized the opportunity to have him scribble on the only thing I had on hand at the time, and in my excitement smudged it a bit.At this point, I was simply satisfied to have met the man and minted the world’s most valuable fake press pass.