A Queensland-led team of international researchers has identified seven genes that determine a woman's likelihood of conceiving non-identical twins. Five of these genes are also associated with fertility struggles. The findings bring scientists closer to developing a simple genetic test to predict a woman's chances of having twins and experiencing fertility issues.
They're a step closer to a simple test that would reveal your likelihood of having twins or struggling with fertility. The Queensland-led team of international researchers has spent several years studying the DNA samples of thousands of mothers of non-identical twins, trying to discover what genes they have in common. They're now confident a woman's likelihood of conceiving non-identical twins comes down to just seven genes.
Five of those are also known to affect the follicle-stimulating hormone, present in many women who struggle with fertility. After unlocking these findings, the researchers have said they are a step closer to developing a simple, saliva-based genetic test that could reveal a woman's chances of giving birth to twins, and also potentially predict which women are more likely to have trouble conceiving
Twins Fertility Genes Genetic Test Follicle-Stimulating Hormone