.theRealKiyosaki has warned an economic crash worse than the 2008 recession is coming and Australia’s negative gearing policies are a form of “Marxism”.
Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki has warned an economic crash worse than the 2008 recession is coming and Australia’s negative gearing policies are a form of “Marxism”., the best-selling author said the world was on the brink of a major change and this disruption would hit the global economy.
It was also increasing the prospect of some form of economic disaster, but he did not elaborate on when it would occur or exactly how severe the crash would be, only that it would be “worse” than 2008.“2008 was the first big crash and a bigger crash is coming,” he said, explaining that, like in 2008, world governments were printing too much money.
But Mr Kiyosaki also cautioned that property prices may tank when another economic disaster hits and prudent investors would need to be prepared to ride out a downturn. Mr Kiyosaki has dabbled in Australian real estate, including purchases in Sydney and Brisbane, and said he took issue with some local government policies around taxes.