The right-wing blog Townhall silently excised Ann Coulter’s column, which took aim at the Dinesh D’Souza “documentary” funded by its parent company.
, calling it “stupid” and based on “hocus pocus” claims. The syndicated column was posted to Townhall’s website on Wednesday evening and then removed some time early states at the URL where Coulter’s thrashing of D’Souza’s movie once existed. “We’re sorry, we seem to have lost this page, but we don’t want to lose you.”
Neither Townhall’s publisher Jonathan Garthwaite nor its editor Katie Pavlich responded to The Daily Beast’s requests for comment. When reached by phone on Friday afternoon, a woman in the Salem Media executive office who would only identify herself as “Tracy” snarkily told The Daily Beast of the Coulter column deletion: “Oh, really. That’s interesting. We have been deleted from a lot of Google sites because they don’t agree with us being a religious organization.
D’Souza’s movie executive is produced and distributed by Salem Media, the mass media company that owns conservative websites like Townhall and RedState as well as a network of syndicated radio stations and affiliates. “I’m producing this movie in conjunction with Salem Media,” D’Souza