ICYMI: Rob Liefeld Vs. Don Simpson Round Two - The Splitting Image Years imagecomics donaldsimpson splittingimage robertliefeld shadowlinecomic larrymarder
\n was covered by Bleeding Cool. This seemed to surprise Don Simpson who posted 'The social media echo chamber! Believe everything you read! ' and telling me 'C'mon, if this is the most momentous thing happening in comics, it proves my point! It's over, baby!'\nBut those remarks go way back. We begin on Twitter back in the pandemic times, when Jim Rugg promoted his June 2020 Cartoonist Kayfebe interview with Rob Liefeld.
\nSplitting Image was a two-issue comic series published by Image Comics in 1993, the year after the publisher was founded, that parodied the publisher. Created by Don Simpson, based on an idea from Image co-founder Rob Liefeld, and published by Image Comics, it included versions of all the main Image Comics teams but ended with previous indie comics characters such as Megaton Man, Captain Everything from Jim Valentino's normalman, and Mr.