BREAKING: Coca-Cola announces the company is joining McDonald’s and Starbucks in suspending their operations in Russia.
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"We’re neither going to make a prediction, or – nor are we going to tell Americans to stay home," White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters at the White House on Tuesday. Upon arriving to Texas Tuesday afternoon, President Joe Biden told reporters that there’s little he can do about the soaring gas prices, blaming Russia for sparking the crisis.
Russian air and missile attacks are increasing as the ground effort has been frustrated, and bombardment of the capital continues, he added. Much of the airspace of Ukraine, in the north and south, is under some umbrella of “Russian surface-to-air missile capability,” the official said. Today, the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine told the IAEA that it is becoming increasingly urgent and important for the safe management of the site to replace the current personnel.